How Oral Health Affects Overall Health

Your oral health can have a surprising impact on the rest of your well-being, potentially triggering a variety of different issues and conditions that could have otherwise been avoided with the right dental care. Understanding the risks associated with oral health is absolutely vital if you want to remain fit and well for as long as possible, as you need to take care of your teeth and mouth to look after the rest of your body, too.
If you’re interested in learning more about the conditions associated with poor oral health, then read on to uncover an array of health issues that you risk falling victim to if you fail to take care of your teeth and mouth.
Gum Disease
One of the most common issues that patients fall victim to as a result of poor oral health is gum disease. Gum disease is an infection and inflammation that directly affects the bone and tissues which act as support for your teeth, so it can be particularly uncomfortable for those who experience it. Gum disease is caused by an increase in bacteria in the plaque that sits on the surface layer of your teeth (usually sourced from sugar, tobacco and other harmful substances), and as your body tries to fight the infection your gums will feel painful, sensitive and inflamed. If gum disease is left untreated, it can begin to damage the aforementioned bone and tissues, increasing your chances of falling victim to tooth loss.
“But how can gum disease affect my overall health?”, you might find yourself questioning.
Well, experiencing untreated gum disease can frequently lead to a condition known as gingivitis, which in turn can encourage periodontitis. Periodontitis is an illness which can cause bone loss, and the bacteria which is responsible for the condition can actually enter into your bloodstream via your gum tissue. This of course risks impacting the rest of your overall health, with periodontitis being linked to issues like respiratory disease, rheumatoid arthritis, coronary artery disease and even problems with blood sugar management in patients with diabetes.
Preventing Gum Disease
Though confusing, some diseases can actually raise your risk of falling victim to gum disease, despite gum disease in turn doing the same. While it doesn’t seem crystal clear which one is the main driving force, the illnesses which are most frequently related to gum disease diagnoses include arthritis, diabetes, high blood pressure and strokes. Preventing gum disease appears to be a good way to prevent illnesses elsewhere in the body, so there’s no time like the present to start taking better care of your oral health.
Gum disease, gingivitis and periodontitis are all preventable illnesses, and you can reduce your risk of experiencing such conditions by promoting great general well-being and performing regular professional cleaning and examinations. A mix of a healthy lifestyle and daily oral hygiene care will put you in good stead to cut your chances of falling ill, so there’s no time like the present to acknowledge the link between oral health and overall health.
If you want to learn more about how to prevent gum disease and promote great overall health, get in touch with a member of our trusted dental team today.