Dental Implant Process and Timeline

You may be someone who is preparing to get a dental implant and have questions. The reality is that the process and timeline can be lengthy. It will certainly be a time commitment and will require patience on your end.
We understand the process can be a bit confusing and that’s why we have come up with the following information to help you better understand what you can expect. Each person’s timeline may differ based on treatment goals and overall health. The process will require that you work with not only your dentist but also a dental surgeon.
What is A Dental Implant?
You may require a dental implant if you have lost one or more teeth. A dental implant is essentially an artificial structure a dental surgeon will insert into a patient’s jawbone. It’s basically a structure that will replace a missing tooth. The artificial tooth that is placed on top is called a crown. Crowns will be matched to the patient’s tooth color and mouth and will function like a real tooth.
The Dental Implant Process & Dental Implant Treatment Timeline
Now we will dive deeper into the process and timeline for a dental implant so you are aware of how it will all play out.
The first step is to get a consultation and have an exam completed by your dentist. This is when the dentist will go over your health history and take some X-rays to measure the bone. During this exam, your treatment options and insurance coverage will be discussed.
In the best-case scenario, the bone will be healthy and you won’t have to deal with an infection or severe bone loss. If all looks good around the area then it’s possible the implant will be placed on the same day as the extraction. On the other hand, if a bone graft is necessary then you will need to wait at least four months to have the implant placed in your mouth.
Implant Surgery
Eventually, it’ll come time for your implant surgery to take place. At this stage in the process, the implant structure will be physically placed in the bone.
Follow Up & Healing
It is going to take some time before your mouth and the implant is properly healed. The process will require that you attend several follow-up appointments. How often you have to follow up and see your dentist will depend on your individual case and healing process. In most cases, you will need to follow up after one week, two weeks, a month, and then four to six months after the procedure.
You may have to have your implant buried under the gum tissue. After the four to six months healing period has passed a “healing cap” can then be placed on the implant. This process for healing will take roughly two more weeks. The gum tissue needs to be properly shaped for the final steps to occur.
The rest of the steps in the dental implant process and timeline will be completed by your general dentist. You will need to make an appointment with your dentist to take final impressions of the teeth. This will occur after the implants have properly integrated into your bone in the jaw and the gum tissue has healed around the implant itself. Then your general dentist can step in and take an impression of the lower and upper jaw.
Your dentist will work with you to take a record of your bite and help you choose a tooth color that matches the best as well. This is done so that the dentist can create the final tooth to use.
Final Crown Placement Appointment
It will take roughly 10-14 business days to have the final crown sent to your dentist. Next, an abutment will be placed and then they will cement and adjust for the final crown placement. All the steps will be completed at this point and you can enjoy your brand new smile.
Next Steps
We encourage you to contact us at Polished for all your general dental needs. You can be confident you’ll be in good hands with our well-trained and friendly staff. Get in touch today to learn more about our services.